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Internal Redirects

Change the way your viewers interact with your website by using a project or page as your homepage, or redirecting a project to a portfolio.

Phil Jenkins avatar
Written by Phil Jenkins
Updated over 6 months ago

Fabrik portfolio sites are designed to follow a sensible, linear order to help your viewers discover all of your work. From your homepage viewers can link straight through to individual projects and blog posts, and from your menu viewers normally link through to your portfolios (if you've set them up), your blog section and possible some other pages e.g. about page.

However, there may be some exceptions where you want to change the way your viewers interact with your website, for example sending them straight to a project or about page instead of to your homepage, or perhaps from your homepage directly to a portfolio.

With Redirects and some lateral thinking we can get a little creative, but be warned, you can also mess up your viewer's experiences with internal redirects, so proceed with caution. Also, one thing to note, redirects aren't instant. In Fabrik all redirects are 301's, meaning it's a permanent redirect which passes between 90-99% of link juice (ranking power) to the redirected page. 301 refers to the HTTP status code for this type of redirect. In most instances, the 301 redirect is the best method for implementing redirects on a website.

So note that it may take a little time up to an hour after adding a redirect before you see the results!

You'll find Redirects within the Settings when logged in to Fabrik. You will also need to know the internal URL's of your projects and portfolios to make this work, which you can find in the address bar of your browser or under slug field in any project, page, portfolio etc.

Simply put, old path is the original path a viewer would go to and new path is where you want it to go to. So I can grab my paths from browser address bar like so

Old Path:

New Path:

Add into correct fields:

The about would take us from a project with the slug 'brand' to a portfolio with the slug 'brand'

Heres a few more examples:

Homepage > Project

When your viewers link to your website they skip the homepage and arrive at a project instead.

Old Path: /
New Path: /portfolio/my-project-title


Homepage > Page

When your viewers link to your website they skip the homepage and arrive at a page instead, handy if you want your viewers to see your bio or CV first before your work.

Old Path: /
New Path: /pages/my-page-title


Project > Portfolio

When your viewer clicks a link to a project (from the homepage of your site or from a list of projects) they instead arrive at a portfolio of projects instead. This can be used to link a large spoof project (just a cover image and a title) at the top of the homepage directly to a portfolio.

Old Path: /portfolio/my-project-title
New Path: /my-portfolio-title


Project > Project

When your viewer clicks a link to a project (from the homepage of your site or from a list of projects) they instead arrive at a different project instead. This can be used to link a spoof project (just a cover image and a title) at the top of the homepage directly to another project, useful if you want multiple images to link to the same project.

Old Path: /portfolio/my-spoof-project-title
New Path: /portfolio/my-real-project-title

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